Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Flamingos in Love

So for my 1st design project to share with you is right here.  This is the Flamingos in Love freebie available at ScrappyDew.com right now!

Aren’t these two Cute!  Oh course, I had to add the bling.  The background was created with chalk and the glitter paper is from AC Cardstock. (just a little secret, I try to buy all my paper and sparklies on clearance whenever I can [little stuff you put on your fingernails, rhinestones etc])  

Sooooo happy that you came to visit today to hear about the the announcement.  I’m tickled pink to be able to share what I come up with.  Be sure to check out ScrappyDew.com and ScrappyDew on facebook.  

Bright Blessings, Jana

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