Friday, September 19, 2014

Happily Ever After

Let me tell you a story„,

Back in March, I received a wedding invitation.  Now for me this is not an ordinary wedding invitation.  This is a BIG DRESS UP (wearing panty hose) type of wedding.  It’s in the big city in a very prestigious church.  (gosh i feel like a country bumpkin)  So since this invitation is from a very good friend, I accepted.

In the last part of June, I found my dress.  (pics later)  Every once in a while I would get the dress out of the closet and make sure it still looked good on me. (still good there)  It’s now 1 week before my daughter and I head out.  I have had the card in my minds eye for a while.  Time to get started.

Here are the lyrics:
I used the Wedding DayRoyalty Palz and Movie Night 2013 files from ScrappyDew.

DCWV Glitter Stack, Graphic45 Le Romantique series, Recollections card stock,
The Paper House Mulberry paper in eggplant and assorted rhinestones and pearls.

Now the weddings colors are eggplant and dark green.  The bride will be carrying a bouquet of fall colors.  (sure helps to have inside info)  The first wedding couple I made, the bride and groom are facing each other.  Groom in all black and bride in white. It looked horrid!!!  I fretted for a few hours and then it dawns on me.  Use the colors of the wedding and play it up big.  So here is the front of the card.  (oh, BTW the card is 7x6”)

The groom is wearing the wedding colors and the bride’s dress is embossed. The dress was cut out of white card stock.  I had some wide white ribbon and I covered the card stock.  Then used the bug to emboss the entire dress.   Remember those leaves I used for the Halloween doozie, that’s what the bouquet is made of.

Here is a close-up of the faces and the bouquet.

Next, I wanted to make something unique and special for the inside of the card.  I don’t think that a card is done unless the inside is as special as the outside.  So I decided that I could modify the Movie Night 2013 file.  I used the gallery from Make The Cut for a tag for the just married plaque.  The cans were the cylinder shape from MTC basic shapes.  A little bit of dark green ribbon and my car is complete.

Close up of the car

Now this card needed a very special envelope.  So I dug out my G45 paper and found a couple in an embrace.  It is from the Le Romantique collection.

So this is what I have been doing for the last week.  So tomorrow is the big day.  So you all get a special friday post of the blog.  

I hope to have pics to share of this fantastic event, must make sure to pack my camera!  (just hope that the shoes and my feet last, taking some other shoes just in case)

See ya next Saturday, Bright blessings, Jana

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