Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today I have two valentines to share.  First is the second batch of 6 and the last is the one I made for the Bob.  The set of 6 I took my time with and the one for the Bob is rather plain but filled with love.  But of course, lyrics first…

~The set of 6 used Tweet Hearts 2012 from ScrappyDew
  *I used view 1 and 3
   Recollections varigated/Motled card base
   Recollections Red + Pink Hearts
   KZ Pink Valentines Words
   Glitter paper

~The card for Bob used Science Palz from ScrappyDew
  *I used view 1,2,3 and 4
   Recollections cardstock
   A whole lot of various scraps

The set of 6 cards are pretty straight forward in construction.  I have to admit that the Science Palz gave me trouble.  I ripped the boy apart a couple of times before figuring out the sequence to put him together.  But they are done!  Here are how they turned out…

Front of card

I saw this caption and thought of Bob

So thats a wrap for Valentines Day 2015.  Time to shift gears and get working on hand made birthday presents for 3 very dear to my heart friends.  I’ll post what I have made after each birthday has passed.  (have to make sure it is a surprise)

See you next week with a project that will even surprise me…I haven’t got a clue!!!
Bright Blessings, Jana

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