Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's a Magical Day!

I have a very dear friend that is having a birthday in a few weeks.  She  just happens to love dragons.  And wouldn’t you know it, ScrappyDew has a file that has the most adorable dragon.  So of course I just had to make it for her.  The pattern is called Scrappy Beauty.  Here is the link  I wanted my dragon to be pretty special.  I had bought some beautiful silver paper at Joanns that was embossed with a scale pattern a while back.  (yes, it was on clearance)  So I grabbed it and I also used some green ColorBok that is shiny foil paper.  I must say, working with this paper was a PAIN.  (this to i got on clearance at walmart)  The paper is actually green with a green shiny mylar covering.  The danged paper separated after being cut by my Zenith Zing.  I got 2 10 sheet pads.  It’s not going to be used up very fast.  

My little dragon is so cute.  But it just needed that special touch, a little something extra.  I searched through ScrappyDew’s site and my eye landed on the Tulips in the Hoppy Easter file located in the Vault.  You can find it under previous freebies.  Made the tulips and made an extra hand for the dragon.  Slapped the tulips on the dragon and stuck an extra hand over it.  My dragon now has a bouquet of beautiful spring tulips.  

Isn’t this just the cutest lil dragon?  Now on to the inside.  I collect Graphic 45 paper.  I had some with faeries on it and carefully cut a couple out.  The tag is from the $1 bins at Target.  (i would have never even looked at this area if not for being very frugal)  So let’s open the card and take a look…

TA-DA!!!!  With all the components put together, this came together nicely.  All the cards I make are 6” X 6”.  The envelope is made from a single sheet of 12” X 12” solid color.  If you would like directions on how to make the envelope, just let me know.

That’s is for this Saturday.  So happy that you could spend a few moments with me again this week.  Next week, to tell you the truth, I haven’t got the foggiest idea what I will be making.  So you will just have to come back and see what I come up with.  Take care my friend!

Bright blessings, Jana

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