Saturday, March 29, 2014

One Cute Chick

Good morning my crafty friends.  Today I have a door decoration to share with you.  Many of you know that my daughter and her other half bought their 1st home back in November.  They are having so much fun decorating and now watching their yard to see what pops up.  I have to give them credit.  They are not pulling up everything.  So many young people, especially first time home owners, pull everything up in the landscape.  What they are doing is this.  Making a map of the sunlight in the yard and seeing just what comes up during each growing season.  Mom didn’t suggest this.  So I am pretty pleased as punch they thought this up on their own.

One item that they don’t have is decorations for each holiday.  With Easter coming up I thought I would make a door decoration.  It had to have plenty of sparkle.  I saw ScrappyDew’s file called One Cute Chick and knew that was the one for their door.
 Here is the link

On this project I used DCWV Glitter stack.  This stuff cuts like butter.  The other glitter pieces are from American Crafts.  Since it’s going on their front door, I needed to use the pop bottle trick again (i just love using this medium).  The door is protected by a storm door so I didn’t have to worry about moisture.  Also, I remembered to sign and date the back.  Maybe years to come, they will put this up and remember mom making it.  So without further ado…..ONE CUTE CHICK!!!

I took all the stuff off my bulletin board and here it is!

This is so stinking cute.  My daughter sent me a photo of it on their front door.  I really like how this turned out.  

So for next week, there is a big announcement coming.  I will be posting during the week to tell you more about this fantastic happening!!!!  So stay tuned, and check back often.

That’s it for this week.  Bright blessings and many hugs, Jana

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