Saturday, April 26, 2014

Two for Two

I have some very dear friends that I send birthday cards to.  My biggest month is Apr/May.  I finally got started and here is the first card.  My dear friend Karen is one of my biggest cheerleaders.  She is always in my corner, sharing my posts and also sharing my work with co-workers.  I love her to pieces!  So I wanted to create a card to express this.  I have to say, the front of the card just happened to come together (i think it is still magic).  I was going for a look of a cafe.  What do you think?

I found the floor in a search on google for wooden floors.  Printed it out and cut out the part that I liked the best.  The envelope and wallpaper are Graphic 45.  The ScrappyDew file is called Tea Party Girls and here is the link .  I really need to get some new printed scraps.  I have a whole closet full of beautiful paper and I use up the scraps first.  (if you don’t use what stacks you have you can’t buy more…..ya right)  Now for the inside.

Karen said she just loved the sentiment.  Neither of us have seen 29 or 110 pounds in quite a while.  So that is the official start for the birthdays. Currently I am working on a card for another BFF I have had for over 37 years.  

So that’s it for today.  Take care and if you make something you would like to show off, see the coffee cup on the right hand side of my blog?  Click that and it will take you to my facebook page.  I would love to see what you are making!

Bright blessings, Jana

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